Set of flame lighters

Welcome to our overview page where you can choose the number of flames for the lighter(s) you want to order. On the collection pages that you can click on below, we have an extensive selection of gas burners with one, two, three or four flames to meet all your fire needs. Our blue flame lighters, also known as storm lighters, are designed to deliver impressive performance with precise ignition.

een vlam aanstekers

Single Flame lighter

A single flame lighter is ideal for lighting cigars, candles, cigarettes or other small objects. The single flame allows you to precisely light the spot you want.

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aansteker met twee vlammen

Double Flame lighter

Also known as a two-burner lighter or double flame lighter, it produces two flames when ignited. A big advantage is one more powerful flame, which can help when lighting fireworks, barbecues or a campfire.

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aansteker met drie vlammen

Triple flame lighter

The three flames create a wider fire source, making it ideal for quickly and evenly lighting larger surfaces, such as creme brulee fires. It is also useful for outdoor use, especially in windy conditions.

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vier vlammen aanstekers

Quattro Flame lighter

The most powerful fire source in our range are the lighters with 4 flames. Popular with lovers of premium cigars, fireworks, BBQ or campers.

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  • Blue Match Lighter Package

    Blue Match Aansteker pakket
  • Red Match Lighter Package

    Red Match Lighter Package
  • Prof Jet Lighter Package

    Prof Jet Lighter Package
  • Budget Lighter Package

    Budget Aansteker Pakket - PyroProducts